Future Focus of this Blog and a big Thank You!

When I started this blog back in 2012, I hadn’t a specific focus in mind. I just started working as a freelancer back then, still being a part-time student – and much of this still is evident in the older posts. However, since my professional life always was about working with one or more Kofax products, I quickly changed the blog’s focus accordingly. 

This post is about three parts: some insights about the past, the future direction this blog is moving, and last but not least – saying ‘Thank You’ to my readership.

Here’s some general statistics, first:

  • 75 posts to date (excluding this one)
  • Top 3 categories: KTM (33), KTA (16), and Programming (8)
  • 750 monthly users with an all-time high of 1,700 (July 2018)

Here are the most read blog posts in 2018:

The following five countries accounted for more than 50% of all visitors:

  • United States of America (28%)
  • India (10%)
  • United Kingdom (7%)
  • Germany (5%)
  • Netherlands (5%)

Quo Vadis

So, where should the focus lie for the Quipu Blog in 2019? Clearly, there’s already an established audience, and I am glad to reach out to so many different countries. There’s not just one huge group of developers from the US, but from so many different regions which essentially shows the reach of Kofax and their products. I saw a large increase in users coming from India (+190%), but the largest increase was from the Netherlands which almost tripled – and not, it’s not just that there are three guys instead of one reading my blog.

We can also clearly see the that the interest has shifted. Four out of the five top posts by views were about Robotic Process Automation, the remaining one about Kofax Transformations. So yes, the hype is real.

For 2019, I would like to go with the flow and publish more articles about Kapow and RPA in general, while still covering Kofax Transformations. I believe that there’s a lot of opportunity here for Kofax in the RPA field – Cognitive Document Automation, as Kofax calls it, is key for many successful RPA projects.

So – thanks again for staying tuned and having read this far, and if there’s anything else you’d like to know, any feedback you might have – just reach out to me via Twitter, LinkedIn, or by email.